Ears to hear God’s word

Let's use our eyes to look at the good gifts that God has given and be reminded how good God is.


ears to hear

We’ve looked at seeing – it’s important to make sure we use our eyes to look at good things and not sinful things, as this is what we often think about. Let’s use our eyes to honour God, by filling our minds with God-honouring thoughts and looking at the good things by recognising God as good, the Giver and Creator, and Jesus as being the perfect example to follow.

We cannot see Jesus physically, but we can fill our minds with thoughts about Jesus, using our ears. Often when we talk about reading the Bible we call it hearing, as it is read out loud, and we hear it being taught or preached from. It is God’s word – what he has said and revealed to us. We must listen.

The Bible talks about the importance of hearing when it comes to following Jesus.

“We walk by faith and not by sight.”

“Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” – We are able to trust God, by listening to what he says.

We need to listen to God’s word – listen to it, love it and live it.

Let’s use our ears to honour God, by listening to what he says about himself and about Jesus who he sent to be the Saviour of the world.

Now, is it rude to not listen to someone? Or to disobey someone, particularly our parents?

Yes – one of the 10 commandments is honouring our father and mother. We want to honour God with our ears. We must recognise God as the author of His word and honour him by listening and obeying His word.

“Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only.”

God wants us to trust him and love him – by listening to him. But he wants us to do more than just listen. We need to obey and do what he says too. And that will involve using more than just our ears.